Author Archives: davidallio

Rusted roof Weathered Prairie Barn Fountain County Stone Bluff Indiana landscape Americana Collection

Weathered Prairie Barn – Americana Collection

This weathered prairie barn with a heavily rusted corrugated steel roof in Stone Bluff, Indiana, could be anywhere in the United States. Just last year, I saw and photographically documented similar scenes in at least half of the United State, including: Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Georgia. As we close the year, I present the final installment of my 2020 photo essays depicting an all-too-common landscape from a contemporary rusting and weather-beaten America.

camera: Nikon D500 | lens: AFS Nikkor VR Zoom 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED
effective focal length: 105mm | exposure: f/8 – 1/1250th second – ISO 500

Rusted railroad steel spike on metamorphic stone in Vermilion County Illinois still life Americana Collection

Steel and Stone – Americana Collection

Rusting and pitted from weathering, this steel railroad spike rests in bed of metamorphic stone near a Norfolk Southern main line as it crosses the Indiana/Illinois state line.

camera: Nikon D3 | lens: AF-S Micro Nikkor VR 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
focal length: 105mm | exposure: f/11 – 1/1000th second – ISO 500